Training Videos

We have ten short videos to help you with cook better chips – plus we have one on business tips to help improve your business. Most of these videos are about 2 minutes long (although there are a couple that are longer – like the Filtering and Cleaning because we wanted to give you more detail!)

We share a lot of information in these videos to turn you into a ‘chip expert’ so you may like to watch them a couple of times.

How to get your certificate…

We suggest you watch these videos and then go to the ‘take the test’ tab (on the drop down menu of Online Training – or go here), and we ask you simple questions based on the videos just to make sure you have understood what is in each video. Once you have answered the questions correctly we send you a certificate to display on your wall.

Let’s get started!

1. Chip Size

In this video we look at the chip size and how it effects the fat content of the chip. This helps you save money and is better for the customer.

2. Serving size

In this video we look at how important it is to serve a standard size serving. This helps you save money and is better for the customer.

3. Oil Temperature

In this video we look at oil temperature and how it effects the quality of the chip.

4. Cooking, Deep frying

In this video we look at cooking tips for deep frying chips. This helps you save money and is better for the customer.

5. Basket Drainage

In this video we look at basket drainage and see how important this is in lowering the fat content of chips. This helps you save money and is better for the customer.

6. Oil Maintenance

In this video we look at things you can do to maintain your oil in good condition. This helps you save money and is better for the customer.

7. Frying Oils 

In this video we look at frying oils and what ones are the best to use, we suggest you also check out the Approved Oils part of our site as well so you know exactly which oils are the best! Go here.

8. Salt

In this video we look at ways to decrease the salt in the chips you sell. This is better for your customers.

9. Filtering and Cleaning

In this video we look filtering and cleaning your fryer. This helps you save money and is better for the customer.

10. Business Tips

In this video we look give you some tips to improve your business.

Now that you have watch the videos, take the test and get a certificate!